Councilwoman Kimberly James February 2024 Forest Park Ward Meeting


Ward 1 Meeting held in February, led by Councilwoman Kimberly James, centered on the City's development and expansion, featuring speakers who delved into diverse strategies and initiatives. Notable updates encompassed public works, waste management, and housing alternatives. Within Forest Park, presenters highlighted departmental endeavors and upcoming community events, such as smoke detector installations, a coffee gathering with the chief, and the Atlanta Community Food Bank  Hunger Walk/Run. Additionally, Jeffrey May's promotion to Deputy Fire Operations was announced, alongside discussions on Forest Park's potential to boost revenue and establish itself as a hub for economic advancement and job opportunities. The governing body received praise for their effective plan implementation.

Come join us live, every 3rd Thursday of the month at 5 p.m. in person or via Zoom.


Kimberly James

City Council Ward1