Public Comment Regulations


Sec. 2-1-7. - Rules of procedure and decorum. (5 -8)

(a) Public comments will be allowed only during the "public comments" period of each regular meeting of the governing body at the time shown on the agenda. Members of the public are not allowed to participate in any debate or discussion being conducted by the members of the governing body.

(b) Public comments will be limited in time to a total of three (3) minutes per speaker, and a total time limit at any one (1) meeting of twenty-one (21) minutes. If more than seven (7) potential speakers sign up to make public comments, then the total amount of time permitted for each individual speaker will be reduced by an announcement of the presiding officer, so as to limit the total time to twenty-one (21) minutes. The governing body, by majority vote, may allow extensions of time for individuals in order to allow such individuals to finish their comments.

(c) No person may sign up more than once in an effort to gain more time for a public comment.

(d) Public comments during a meeting of the city governing body will only be allowed to residents of the City of Forest Park or to owners of businesses maintaining a business site physically situated within the corporate limits of the City of Forest Park.

(e) Persons not residing within the City of Forest Park who do not own a business as specified in subsection (d) above who wish to address the governing body during any regular meeting must first request that they be placed on the agenda for the upcoming regular meeting, such request to be made in writing by close of business at city hall on the Wednesday immediately preceding the regular meeting at which they wish to speak.

(f) All public comments must be limited to matters on the agenda or over which the governing body has jurisdiction.

(g) Nonresidents who do not own a business as specified in subsection (d) above will also be limited to three (3) minutes per speaker, and a total of fifteen (15) minutes for an entire group of speakers at any single meeting, whether they are speaking on the same topic or not. If more than five (5) potential nonresident speakers are placed on the agenda in order to address the governing body, the time permitted for each individual speaker shall be reduced so as to limit the total time for speaking for such nonresidents to fifteen (15) minutes at any one (1) meeting.

Addressing the city council and citizens.

(a) Speakers may raise any point of concern regarding any matter on the agenda or any matter over which the governing body has jurisdiction, but each speaker must maintain a decorous demeanor and refrain from personal attacks upon members of the governing body, shouting and using obscene language.

(b) The presiding officer may interrupt and take the floor away from individuals who violate subsection (a) above.

(c) Comments which are redundant or repetitive from previous statements made in the same meeting may be ruled out of order and terminated by the presiding officer.

Removal for violation of these rules. Any council member who violates these rules must first be orally warned by the presiding officer, and if the council member then interrupts another speaker or speaks out without being recognized, or violates these rules in any other way for a second time in a single meeting, then the presiding officer may ask the sergeant at arms (a sworn City of Forest Park Police Officer) to remove the offending council member from the city council chambers for the remainder of the meeting.

Purpose of these rules. It is not the intent of these rules to in any way hinder or impair the full and free expression of all competing viewpoints in discussions and debates. Instead, it is the intent of this section to foster confidence in government through encouraging civil and respectful meetings. The failure to strictly observe these rules and procedures shall not affect the jurisdiction of the governing body and shall not be deemed to in any way invalidate or impair the legal validity and effect of official action taken by the governing body at any meeting that is otherwise held and conducted in accordance with law.