COVID 19 Information

COVID-19 Stock Photo

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continues to encourage and recommend vaccination and boosters for COVID-19 as the primary defense against infection. In addition to staying up to date on vaccinations, getting tested if you have symptoms is also recommended. Although many test sites have been relocated and/or shut down, tests can still be located through pharmacies, primary care physicians and urgent cares throughout the State of Georgia.

Basic prevention measures should be followed to help prevent further spread of COVID-19 and mitigate outbreaks of infection – covering your coughs, sneezing into your elbow, throwing away used tissues, washing your hands frequently with soap and water, and staying home if you’re sick.  Wearing masks can help in preventing the spread of diseases in some cases.

It is important to stay informed about COVID-19, but be sure you get your information from reliable sources such as Georgia Department of Public Health (, the CDC ( or your healthcare provider. DPH will continue to closely monitor COVID-19 data and provide updates as needed.